There are a few restaurants in Oaxaca that specialize in a traditional, prehispanic 'caldo' or soup. The name of the place where we ate was 'Caldo de Piedra' - Stone Soup. They make it the old way, by using hot stones to cook the soup in about 4 minutes - with vegetables and or fish.
It is cooked and served in a gourd-like bowl that comes from a local tree. Each bowl of soup requires three red-hot stones. The first warms up the soup, the second boils it for a minute or two, and the third continues the cooking process and accompanies the soup when it is served.
It was excellent!
We went with Rocio and her family - all SUPER-nice - who Amy met in Oaxaca during her first month here in March.
Here are a few photos of our meal.
JB, Jeremiah, Joce, and Israel waiting at the counter for the soup to be cooked. |
Here the bowls of cold, uncooked soup await red hot stones. |
The cook has pulled out the first round of stones, and in the process of putting in the second set. |
He used a long, wetted, simple bamboo tool to pull rocks out of the fire and place in the soup bowls. |
The Bogaards with Rocio's family left to right: Liesl, Israel Sr., Jeremiah, Israel Jr. Joce, Andrea, Amy, and Rocio. |
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